BUSINESS LAW - Role of law and its impact on business / Legal considerations in business law / Regulating a business / Global commerce / Protections and resolutions


CAREER EXPLORATIONS 1 – Career management / Introduction to careers in health sciences / Introduction to hospitality & tourism systems / Introduction to human services / Introduction to consumer services


CAREER EXPLORATIONS 2 – Information technology / Introduction to information support and services / Introduction to network systems / Introduction to agriculture, food, & natural resources / Introduction to stem


CAREER EXPLORATIONS 3 – Introduction to business and finance / Introduction to manufacturing / Introduction to transportation, distribution, and logistics / Introduction to architecture & construction / Introduction to Marketing


CAREERS IN ALLIED HEALTH – Introduction to allied health careers / Art and technology / Exercise science and patient evaluation / counseling, dietetics and choosing a career in allied health


CONSTRUCTION CAREERS – Introduction to careers in construction technology / building life-cycle assessment and regulation / building materials and methods of construction 1 / building materials and methods of construction 2 / Green technology, sustainability, and preservation


DIGITAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY A – Keyboarding / Computer operations / Microsoft word beginning skills / Microsoft word intermediate skills / Microsoft word advanced skills / Microsoft powerpoint applications


DIGITAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY B – Microsoft Excel spreadsheets basics / Creating Microsoft Excel spreadsheets / Microsoft Excel graphical representations / Internet / Technology at work / Managing your career


ENGINEERING AND DESIGN – Introduction to engineering and design and the design process / Fluid systems: energy and power technologies in engineering / Modeling and sketching / Reverse engineering / Engineering to improve sustainability


FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL MEDIA – Introduction to digital and online media types / Digital Media: effectiveness and production / Project management and social media / Gaming, simulations, websites, and apps / trends in digital and online media


INTRODUCTION TO CAREERS IN ARCHITECTURE & CONSTRUCTION – Introduction to careers in architecture and construction / Building the future: the art and science of buildings / Green jobs in architecture and construction / The arts and built environment: jobs for creatives / Building the city


INTRODUCTION TO CAREERS IN EDUCATION & TRAINING – Education and training: historical perspectives, introduction and critical skills / Learning styles and collaborative learning / Educational policy and human resource development / Ethical and legal policies of careers in education and training / Health and safety in education and training


INTRODUCTION TO CAREERS IN FINANCE – Finance overview and financial services / Securities analysis and investments / Principles of corporate finance / Banking services / Risk management and insurance


INTRODUCTION TO CAREERS IN GOVERNMENT & PUBLIC ADMINISTATION – Administrative and political systems in the United States / Overlapping powers of government / Politics, elections, and democratic participation / Governmental institutions: executive, legislative and judicial / Public policy and program implementation


INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – Hardware and communications technology introduction / Operating systems, system software, mobile applications / Introduction to information systems / Internet utilization and information literacy / Mobile application programming and productivity


NEW APPLICATIONS WEB DEVELOPMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY – The world wide web: history and definitions / website design on content-managed platforms / Managing site creation / Internet-distributed applications / New apps: creativity and careers


NURSING – The nursing professions / Primary nursing positions / Nursing specialties / More nursing specialties / Nursing career alternatives


OFFICE 2013 APPLICATIONS 1 – Microsoft word beginning skills / Microsoft word intermediate skills / Microsoft word advanced skills / Microsoft publisher application / Microsoft powerpoint application


OFFICE 2013 APPLICATIONS 2 – Microsoft excel spreadsheets basics / Creating Microsoft excel spreadsheets / Microsoft excel graphical representations / Microsoft access database basics / Microsoft access forms, queries, and reports


TEACHING & TRAINING CAREERS – Foundations of pedagogy / Planning and preparing a lesson / Delivering and assessing / Managing the learning environment / Data and use in school relations


COLLEGE PLANNER – My educational future / Choosing a College / Entrance exams and applications / Paying for college


MUSIC APPRECIATION – Discovering music / Music fundamentals / Beginning of music / Developing music / Modern Music


PERSONAL FINANCIAL LITERACY – Financial responsibility and decision making / Careers and income / Money management / Saving and investing / Credit, Debt, and consumer skills


PSYCHOLOGY – Introduction and methods / Biopsychosocial psychology / Developmental Psychology / Cognitive psychology / Abnormal and group behavior